My top 3 tips to get out of your self-worth slump

Real talk- what makes you feel confident ??

I used to think that confidence was a REWARD for being perfect, for being thin, or for being successful. I based my self-worth on validation from others and external condition. When someone gave me a compliment on my body I would feel confident enough to wear my "skinny" dress or to go out a socialize with my head held high. BUT on the flip side, if someone put me down (and this happened often in the dance world) I would spiral into negative thoughts and destructive behavior until I could prove them wrong. 


And I know this is a practice and this is WORK, but when you can cultivate inner confidence BEFORE you act, the outcome does not define you. You can step back a take different action but your SELF WORTH should not change. 

Listen to this podcast with Naked & Wandering about how I overcame disordered eating, major body image issues and started to CREATE my own life and my own confidence. 

If you resonate with this know that you are NOT ALONE! 

My top 3 tips to overcome self-worth slumps

1. A MAJOR tool that helps me when I feel my old habits of negative self talk slip in is meditation. I know, I know-- you have all the excuses not to- I don't have time, it doesn't work etc etc etc. WELL, when we take the time to identify our thoughts as our ego and not our true selves, it's much easier to detach from them. I suggest even 5 minutes a day. My favorite app is Insight timer BUT I have a special gift for you! Listen to this mediation below I recorded all about confidence & self worth.

2. Journaling- and I'm not talking about Dear Diary, Today I woke up etc...I mean full on morning brain DUMP. Let it all out so it doesn't simmer inside of you. When I wake up I take care of nature, feed the cats, put the coffee on, meditate while said coffee is brewing, then write in my journal while I sip my cup of joe. Sometimes its like letting the flood gates open and I have so much anxiety and emotion to work out. Half the time it's all illegible but I FEEL A HUGE WEIGHT OFF. It's as though now that I got it out- it never even existed inside of my body. TRY IT! 

3. Call a friend that is your biggest fan! You know those people that you unload on and continue to give you advice and try to solve your problem?? (To be honest my coach brain often turns on and this can be me). This is totally well intentioned- BUT you often just need that person to say- "WOW that sucks, I'm sorry. You are so wonderful and I love you...etc." So find the friend or family member that you know will say these things and have them on speed dial! And be that person for someone else! 

OK I know I said 3 but there are so many tools!

4. Get moving! Working out, walking or moving my body always helps shift my energy. Even 10 random jumping jacks, a spontaneous dance party, or a yoga class can make a tremendous shift. When I feel down it's often the last thing I want to do but it always makes me feel better. BUT don't choose something that will take you further down this hole. Choose something you know you like!!


I am worthy.

I am more than enough.

I create my own confidence.

I am f*cking AWESOME.

Repeat these to yourself! Build yourself up. Look in the mirror and find the things you LOVE about your body, your personality and your uniqueness!

My passion is to help YOU wake up in the morning, and ask yourself what you need to shine with confidence when you walk out into the world. My courses give you these tools so you don’t feel stuck inside your own head and can honor your body and reach your potential BODY & spirit. 

If you need support I am here! Book a free call and let's chat about coaching or the YogarinaFLOW Course that is all about building confidence in your body, your movement and your LIFE!

Beau CampbellComment